We Are Non-Profit Organisation Representing the Czech Games Development Industry

Our Mission Is to Protect the Interests of Game Developers and Support the Growth of the Industry
The Czech game development industry hosts about 110 companies with roughly 1750 developers working in them. The total turnover of the industry was 169.4 million EUR in 2019. Up to 95% of customers are outside Czechia and Czech videogames are the key export article of the nation. Given the size of Czechia, the size of its games industry puts it amongst the top producers in the Central and Eastern European region.
The association was founded in 2018 with a clear goal to unite the Czech games industry and improve the conditions to make videogames in our country and beyond.
We've Changed a Lot So Far but Our Efforts Continue
We Focus on Strategic Projects
- As a member of the Czech Chamber of Commerce, we work to improve communication with the government bodies, initiate projects to monitor the industry and grant programs, and communicate the importance of the industry to the government bodies and both professional and general public.
- As a member of the European Games Developer Federation (EGDF) we promote our interests on the European level. We focus on the area of GDPR, copyright law, protection of minors, and loot box legislation. Together with associations from other member states, we have proposed a system of data collection and monitoring of the European games industry.
- As part of the Prague Innovation Platform, we focus on creation of the Prague’s Creative Centre which will provide space for both educational activities of the games industry, incubation programs, co-working, and game dev startups.
- On the Ministry of Industry and Trade, we upheld the program for support of research and development of new technologies to create computer games. We are preparing resources for the specific implementation of the operational program for business and innovation. We are discussing the possibilities for grant programs to support the development of games.
- We joined the project of the official strategy of development and support of the cultural and creative industries of Czechia, securing plans to support the industry in the years between 2021 and 2030.

We Support Education and Professional Development
- We are a major partner of the GameHighEd project. In cooperation with four European universities in Czechia, Poland, Finland, and Turkey we help develop resources to implement new university programs and disciplines to teach game development. The project is financed via the European Erasmus+ program with a total budget of 380 000 EUR.
- We led the official recognition of the game designer, game producer, and 3D artist professions in the National Register of Qualifications. This allows multiple governmental bodies to recognize these professions, organize state exams, initiate requalification programs, and register freelancing businesses.
We Build Strong International Partnerships
- We organize national booths at international trade fairs that provide Czech companies favorable conditions to participate. We helped studios get to Gamescom, Digital Dragons, Poznan Game Area, or GStar.
- We were part of diplomatic missions in London or the European parliament in Brussel. In cooperation with the Prague City Hall, Ministry for Foreign Affairs involved embassies and foreign universities we held several international missions of companies and academic institutions in Czechia.

Board Members
Association Chairman

Pavel Barák
A member of the GDACZ association can be any Czech game development company (physical or business entity). We also work closely with both local and international partners. For partnership inquiries please contact Pavel Barák.
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GDACZ/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/GDACzech/
- E-mail: info@gda.cz
- Tel.: +420 773 591 047
- Sídlo: Praha 8, Pobřežní 46